Monday, January 14, 2008

Stay At Home Mom

It's official, I have turned in my notice to school that I will not be returning in the fall. I absolutely love being a stay at home mom. I know this is God's plan for my life right now and I feel very at peace with this decision.

The way I see it, I am still teaching - I just have 1 student (Laney) instead of 25! I like that a lot! Plus there are no papers to grade or meetings to attend! Laney is at such a fun age - 8 months now - we keep very busy reading books, crawling around, singing, and playing together.

Just this month I have started caring for a 3 month old girl. It has been going well, but it certainly is different with 2! She sleeps and smiles a lot! Laney likes to look at her and talk to her. It will only get better the more they are able to interact with each other. So far, so good!


Jen said...

Yeah for staying home! I knew you'd love it!

Kristin said...

Hey Julie,
I feel the same way as you do! I don't know why any teacher would turn down the opportunity to have a one-on-one "teaching" situation where you intimately know the child(ren) and her needs and can meet them! I love being at home with Cora, too! It's such a blessing.