Happy Halloween Everyone! Laney just had to be a Ladybug this year - after all, Laneybug is her nickname :) We had a fun and busy day visiting Daddy at school, Nana and Papa, and Grandma and Grandpa too. Thanks for all the yummy treats! Love you!
Here is Laney Jo "reading" Brown Bear, Brown Bear, one of her favorite books. Okay, so she's not really reading, but she does recognize each animal and says their names. What can we say, she's a teacher's kid! For those of you know don't know, Laney's Auntie Dana left for Uganda about 2 weeks ago. She'll be there for 9 months! It was great to talk to you today Dana - glad you are doing well! This one is especially for you! Love you and miss you! Enjoy...
Laney loves her girlfriends - Here they are at a playdate at our house one morning. Aubrey, Charlotte, Elleana, Sophie, and Emma. We missed Paige, who was at home napping! We think it's pretty cool that God blessed our "church family friends" with ALL baby girls over the past 17 months (Laney is the oldest - the ringleader :) Wonder what the next round of babies will bring? Boys for round two??? Maybe?
Here are those cute cousins again - enjoying a walk at DeGraaf Nature Center. The girls did a good job of sticking together. We would've walked a little more but the mosquitoes were terrible! We'll have to try again another day. It had been years since I had been here and it is a special place - named after our grandpa. Hopefully we'll go back again soon! Or maybe next spring...