Saturday, January 24, 2009

Daddy's Girl

Laney has been loving winter in West Michigan! She gets really excited to see the snow. One day, Daddy was so sweet to take her out in the backyard to play in it. Mommy snuck out to take a few quick pictures, but then watched out a window from inside the house. Laney loves to be pulled in the sled and just recently discovered that she can eat the's clean I promise! It's been fun to see her enjoy this season and her special one-on-one time with Daddy.


Faith Rocks! said...

Very very cute pix of that precious little bundle! We're waiting for the video! Love you all!
Aunt Barb, Uncle Tod, H, M, S

Jen said...

Dave's such a great dad! That's great Laney loves playing out in the snow. Once they all get older we'll have to take all the kids sledding together!